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Type: Theses
Title: The symphonies of Ross Edwards: genesis and analysis of symphonies 1 – 5 (1991 – 2005)
Author: Lakeman, Virginia Kaye
Issue Date: 2017
School/Discipline: Elder Conservatorium of Music
Abstract: This doctoral thesis on the five symphonies of Ross Edwards is the first detailed study to have been written about this significant group of large-scale symphonic works by one of Australia’s most distinguished composers. The approach to discussing these works has been to differentiate between matters of genesis and analysis. The discussions of genesis consider both the circumstances of commission and performance as well as matters of inspiration and influence. The analytical discussions cover matters of form (including segmentation of the structural schemes), melodic style, harmonic vocabulary, rhythmic shaping, and the composer’s treatment of the orchestral palette. The overall approach to the analytical discussions has been to try and reveal the compositional processes through which this music came into being. In this sense the thesis is a study of compositional technique rather than an exercise in applying or testing any particular analytical method. The main analytical tool has necessarily been one of reduction. The information presented in the full, orchestral score has been reduced in most musical examples to a short score, in order to expose particular features of melodic, harmonic, or rhythmic interest and significance. The study has been carried out with reference to all the available primary source materials, including sketches, autograph scores, and recordings. The study has been enriched by direct contact with the composer, himself. He was consulted by email and in a face-to-face interview which was recorded and from which a transcript was made. Although the study reflects this direct contact with the composer, it does not aspire or pretend to be in any way an ‘authorised’ account of the music. It does, however, seek to convey some of the conceptual concerns that Edwards has for the environment, and for our place in the natural world. It also seeks to convey something of his intentions at the spiritual level.
Advisor: Bodman Rae, Charles
Koehne, Graeme John
Dissertation Note: Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, Elder Conservatorium of Music, 2018
Keywords: Ross Edwards
Provenance: This electronic version is made publicly available by the University of Adelaide in accordance with its open access policy for student theses. Copyright in this thesis remains with the author. This thesis may incorporate third party material which has been used by the author pursuant to Fair Dealing exceptions. If you are the owner of any included third party copyright material you wish to be removed from this electronic version, please complete the take down form located at
Appears in Collections:Research Theses

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