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Type: Conference paper
Title: Pushing the collaborative envelope: a virtual classroom for clinical practice
Author: Kavanagh, S.
Baron, J.
Carrington, A.
Citation: Beyond the comfort zone : proceedings of the 21st ASCILITE Conference, Perth, 5-8 December / Roger Atkinson (ed.), pp. 485-492
Publisher: ASCILITE
Publisher Place: WWW
Issue Date: 2004
ISBN: 0975170236
Conference Name: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Conference (21st : 2004 : Perth, Western Australia)
Editor: Atkinson, R.
McBeath, C.
Jonas Dwyer, D.
Phillips, R.
Statement of
Sheila Kavanagh, Judi Baron and Allan Carrington
Abstract: In an era of evidence based practice it is appropriate that nurses working in the speciality area of burns have postgraduate education qualifications. This education needs to combine knowledge acquisition and skill development within the context of the local clinical environment. To meet the interactive requirements for delivery of the Graduate Diploma in Burns Nursing, it was decided that the best solution was the use of synchronous e-learning also known as live e-learning or virtual classroom. Using live online tutorials in a virtual classroom, the clinical lecturer / expert clinician are able to provide students enrolled in this program with a unique opportunity to interact. Students are able to discuss clinical protocols, issues and solutions in an environment previously only found at Burn Care conferences. Multi media materials such as video footage add visual context to the information being taught / discussed. The use of the virtual classroom has facilitated the delivery of knowledge and skill development within the context of the local clinical environment. The virtual classroom framework and tools reflect contemporary practice and have enabled the learning expectations of engagement, informative content and relevance to be exceeded in a cost effective and efficient manner.
Rights: Copyright © 2004 Sheila Kavanagh, Judi Baron & Allan Carrington
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Nursing publications

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