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Type: Patent
Title: Presence and data labels
Author: Cole, Peter Harold
Issue Date: 2003
Assignee: Integrated Silicon Design Pty Ltd
School/Discipline: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Contributor: Larson & Taylor, PLC
Statement of
Invented by P. H. Cole; Assigned to Integrated Silicon Design Pty Ltd; Larson & Taylor, PLC agents for inventor.
Abstract: A system for detecting presence of and for communicating with an electronic coded label. The coded label includes a presence signaling antenna, a label circuit and a data communications antenna. The system includes presence detection means for creating a presence detection electromagnetic field and data communications means for creating an interrogation electromagnetic field. The label circuit is adapted to operate in a first mode when the electromagnetic field to which the label is exposed is at a first power level, said first mode being that of a linear circuit with an impedance dependent upon frequency. The label circuit is adapted to operate in a second mode when the electromagnetic field to which the label is exposed is at a second power level, said second mode being that of a non-linear circuit with behavior dependent upon time.
Description: PATENT: P. H. Cole (Assignee: Integrated Silicon Design Pty Ltd). US 6144299 (PCT/AU1997/000428) filed Jan 4, 1999; published Nov 7, 2000; predicted expiry date Jul 4, 2017.
Patent #: US 6144299
Published version:
Appears in Collections:Electrical and Electronic Engineering publications

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