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Type: Report
Title: Developing models of good practice in meeting the needs of homeless young people in rural areas
Author: Beer, Andrew
Delfabbro, Paul Howard
Oakley, Susan Ann
Verity, Fiona
Natalier, Kristin
Packer, Jasmin
Bass, Alice
Publisher: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
Issue Date: 2005
Series/Report no.: AHURI Final Report, 2005; No.83:1-60
ISBN: 192094172X
ISSN: 1834-7223
School/Discipline: School of Psychology
School of Social Sciences
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Statement of
Andrew Beer, Paul Delfabbro, Susan Oakley, Fiona Verity, Kristin Natalier, Jasmin Packer and Alice Bass
Published version:
Appears in Collections:Psychology publications

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