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Type: Report
Title: An investigation of women volunteers in the emergency services of St John: a pilot study
Author: Wilson, Anne
Hasler, Sally
Zeitz, Kathryn Marie
Issue Date: 2008
School/Discipline: School of Population Health and Clinical Practice : Nursing
Statement of
Anne Wilson, Sally Hasler, Kathryn Zeitz
Abstract: This research sought to identify the distribution of female volunteer membership within the emergency services arm of St John, and to identify possible barriers and impediments to women achieving leadership positions. The research was conducted in two phases: (1) an audit of gender distribution within St John Australia wide, and (2) a mailed self-enumerated survey of 50 female volunteer members’ experiences and perceptions as members within St John. The research was conducted Australia-wide, with phase one data received from each state and territory in 2007. From 202 mailed surveys to randomly selected female volunteer members Australia-wide, 51 participants returned completed surveys. Data from phase one clearly showed that women are not equally represented in leadership positions within St John. They were under-represented in leadership positions and positions of higher status. Data from phase two indicated that a large portion of participants believed there were barriers to women seeking leadership positions within the organisation, with the majority of respondents identifying areas for improvement or change on this issue. Changes are required within St John to improve women’s representation in the organisation and ensure there are opportunities to assist women attain higher status and higher responsibility positions.
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