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Type: Conference paper
Title: Characterizing errors in areal rainfall estimates: application to uncertainty quantification and decomposition in hydrologic modelling
Author: Renard, B.
Leblois, E.
Kuczera, G.
Kavetski, D.
Thyer, M.
Franks, S.
Citation: Proceedings of H2009, the 32nd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 2009: 505-516
Publisher: Engineers Australia
Publisher Place: Australia
Issue Date: 2009
Conference Name: Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium (32nd : 2009 : Newcastle, Australia)
Statement of
B. Renard, E. Leblois, G. Kuczera, D. Kavetski, M. Thyer and S. Franks
Abstract: Calibration and prediction in conceptual rainfall-runoff (CRR) modelling is affected by the sampling and measurement uncertainty in the observed input/output data and by the structural error of the model conceptualisation. The Bayesian Total Error Analysis methodology (BATEA) provides the opportunity to directly and comprehensively address these sources of uncertainty. BATEA is based on Bayesian hierarchical methods and uses explicit error models for input/output data and structural errors. Previous studies demonstrated that simultaneous inference on forcing (e.g. rainfall) and structural errors requires strong prior knowledge of the error mechanisms (e.g., statistical properties of rainfall errors).This paper investigates a geostatistical approach to estimate the sampling error made in approximating the areal rainfall by averaging point-values from a raingauge network. The geostatistical model generates an ensemble of rainfall fields conditioned on gauged values. This ensemble is treated as a distribution of the “true” areal rainfall over the catchment and used as a prior in the BATEA framework. A case study shows that the inclusion of such prior knowledge allows simultaneous estimation of input and structural errors, whereas in the absence of such information the inference is ill-posed.
Description: Invalid ISBN as published on the item: 97808258259461
Rights: Copyright 2009
Published version:;dn=753369275059902;res=IELENG
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Civil and Environmental Engineering publications
Environment Institute publications

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