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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorBates, Daisy-
dc.description.abstractNative vocabulary compiled by Ngoongulea, m, of Nunginija, etc, Bilbilya of Moondoordoo, Ye’yoordal, of Kogulbirdi (near Wongalabila and Nalbinya, Bilbilya’s mother’s country).en
dc.format.extent38 p.en
dc.subject.otherVocabulary, Ngoongulea (male informant), Bilbilya, Ye'yoordal, Kogulbirdi, Moondoordoo, Wongalabila, Nalbinya, Nunginijaen
dc.titleSection XII, 2A, 6 - Native vocabulary compiled by Ngoongulea, m., of Nunginija, etc., Bilbilya of Moondoordoo, Ye'yoordal, of Kogulbirdi (near Wongalabila and Nalbinya, Bilbilya's mother's country)en
Appears in Collections:Series 12, Section XII: Language: Grammar and Vocabularies

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