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Type: Report
Title: Child and teenager oral health and dental visiting: results from the National Dental Telephone Interview Survey 2010
Author: Harford, J.E.
Luzzi, L.
Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Publisher Place: Canberra
Issue Date: 2013
Series/Report no.: Dental Statistics and Research Series
ISBN: 9781742494531
ISSN: 1321-0254
Assignee: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Statement of
JE Harford, L Luzzi
Abstract: This publication reports on oral health, dental visiting and dental treatment needs of Australian children as reported in the National Dental Telephone Interview Survey (NDTIS) 2010. Time series data across all NDTISs conducted since 1994 are presented to provide a picture of how key measures have changed over time. Finally, comparisons with international data are presented to provide a picture of how Australian children fare among their international counterparts.
Description: Number 64
Rights: © Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2013 This product, excluding the AIHW logo, Commonwealth Coat of Arms and any material owned by a third party or protected by a trademark, has been released under a Creative Commons BY 3.0 (CC-BY 3.0) licence. Excluded material owned by third parties may include, for example, design and layout, images obtained under licence from third parties and signatures. We have made all reasonable efforts to identify and label material owned by third parties.
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Dentistry publications

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